15 socially-acceptable things that future generations will see as backwards.

There are a lot of things we look back on and cringe. There are gross inhumane injustices such as slavery and war. But there’s also some pretty disgusting, unhealthy things that were routine just a few years ago, such as people smoking in restaurants.

Even though we like to think we’re so advanced and enlightened, in 50 years, future generations will look at our behavior and they’ll think we were seriously backwards.

Reddit user Doodlebyteas asked the online forum, “What current, socially acceptable practice will future generations see as backwards or immoral?” The responses were pretty eye-opening.

1. So much waste

“Using something as strong and durable as plastic to make packaging destined to be thrown away.”DarkmatterAngry

2. Corruption in plain sight

“Letting businesses pay politicians who are then responsible for setting laws that apply to the businesses.”NovaPrime54

3. The business of higher education

“Colleges sucking every fucking dollar out of you that they can. Fucking scam artists.” — unknownelemental

13. Kids for clicks

“Posting pictures of your children on social media.”KatySaid

14. Gotcha!

“Hyper-politicizing everything. ‘Gotcha’ debates where the aim is just to win the argument rather than actually being right or making sensible points.”saugoof

15. Plastic people

“My money is on the current methods of cosmetic surgery. Jamming sacks of fluid in a lady’s chest to create bigger boobs, for instance, seems like something for which there will one day be a better practice.”BreatheMyStink

This article was originally published by our partners at Did You Know Facts.

Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/15-socially-acceptable-things-that-future-generations-will-see-as-backwards

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